Become an Expert

Please complete the form below to create your profile, providing as much detail as possible. The more information AMFS has, the better our clients will understand your experience. Upon acceptance into the AMFS expert network, you will receive a confirmation email notification followed by email invitations to consult (depending on client needs). Questions? Review our FAQs or contact us at [email protected] or (800) 275-8903.


You may select multilpe specialties by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on all specialties that apply.

Requires board certification and to be actively practicing or teaching.

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Additional Information (optional)

The more descriptive and detailed you are, the better our ability to match your expertise with our clients needs.

Please enter keywords or phrases that describe your expertise, separated by commas.
In addition to your biography these will be used to aid in matching your expertise with our clients needs.

Contact Information

Employment History

Time Period  to 
+ add another employment position


Major(s)/Field(s) of Study:
Dates Attended:  to 
+ add another education
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